Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Butter Motivation

Today was weigh-in day! I lost another 2.8 pounds this week, which brings my total to 6.4 pounds GONE! Huzzah!

A very good friend of mine is also losing weight, and she mentioned that she likes to figure out how much she's lost so far in things like sticks of butter. How many sticks of butter have I lost?

Just over 25 1/2 sticks of butter! That's a lot of damn butter. Melted away, never to be seen again.

Things I need to work on in the next week:

  • Drink more water! Some days, I do really well. Most days, I only manage to get in about half of what I need. I have cut myself down to one cup of coffee per day, but I need to drink more H2O. I have a water buddy co-worker, so hopefully that will help. I have not had any soda in 12 days, and I don't really miss it yet.
  • Use all of my points! I really need to bring some healthy snacks to work with me, because most days, I am not consuming enough to use up all of my points. While that isn't necessarily a bad thing to have as a problem, the points are there for a reason and they need to be used. Also, if I don't use up all of my points in a day, I wake up the next morning STARVING.
  • Work on not being so lazy. I am still not able to get out and go for walks (stupid swollen ankle), but I want to work on doing more things for myself. Having two little kids in the house tends to make me ask one of them to get something for me. I need to stop that. I can get it myself. I'm fully capable.
  • Create a meal plan. The last thing I want to do after a day at work is go home and figure out what's for dinner. Especially when I sometimes have to cook something for me and something different for the rest of the family. So I want to plan things out and possibly take away some of that stress.
I think those are all doable. I also bought my bracelet and the bauble I will add to it when I've lost my first ten pounds. I'm super excited to put that puppy on my wrist! Right now, I'm wearing the bare bracelet as a reminder that I WANT to put something on it. I rather like it. Which is good, because I'll be wearing it for a long time.

I think I'm going to print this out and put it above my computer monitor at work:

And with that, I'm off to hydrate.

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