Thursday, May 28, 2015

Waking Up

It's funny how this brain thing works. Last week, I was not sure I could do this. I didn't even really know where or how to start.

Yesterday, my doctor told me to join Weight Watchers because it had worked for me before. I threw excuses at him, and he very calmly, and with a smile on his face, squashed all of the stupid excuses. When I've told people in the past that I want to lose weight, there's all of this push-back. When I tell them my doctor told me to, there's suddenly support coming out of the woodwork.

And I can't put it off until next week like I wanted to. There's a "Lose the First 10 Pounds on Us" promotion that ends after June 1, so I have to join NOW. 

I feel like all of this is happening for a reason, and it's fantastic! I haven't felt this filled with hope in SO long. It's like finding out I get to go see one of my best friends. I'm EXCITED.

I have woken up.

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