Thursday, May 21, 2015


In all honesty, day one was a bust. But I am NOT giving up. In fact, I'm not even going to acknowledge the failures.  I'm going to post the positives about yesterday:

  • I ate a taco salad for lunch. I had intended to have a plain salad, but the cafeteria guy brought me a taco salad because he knows I love them. So I had a taco salad instead of the usual Taco Bell drive-thru. 
  • For dinner, I had about 4 ounces of deliciously baked chicken, a bunch of roasted zucchini and some white rice.
  • I was present while I ate. I paid attention to what my body was telling me, and I made notes of the different feelings so I can relearn its language.
  • I only ate 3 pips from a Hershey bar, rather than the whole thing.
So...there's the positives. Today is another day. In fact, tomorrow is yet another day. And every day is an opportunity to get better at this. I do not have to be perfect from the get-go. In fact, I NEVER have to be perfect. Fuck perfection. I am Lindsy, hear me roar.

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