Tuesday, March 26, 2013


A long time ago, before I had a gorgeous two-year old daughter, I was well on my way to being a healthy person with a weight I could say in public.

I'm not going to give all kinds of excuses as to what happened because excuses are bull, even if they are valid explanations.  They're still bull.

Now I find myself finally back on that wagon, and I want a place I can document what's happening.  I am, by nature, someone who wants to over share.  I have had a blog in one way or another for the past 13 years, and I miss it when it's not present in my life.

So welcome to my new blog. It's still shiny and has that new-blog smell.

In the past, I used Weight Watchers to lose weight and it worked brilliantly.  Then they went and tweaked it and I just cannot wrap my head around it anymore.  So I've been using the MyFitnessPal app on my iPhone for almost a month now, and it's been going great!

The heaviest I've ever been was 317.  Someday, that number is going to be tattooed on my body because I never want to forget that moment when I stepped on the scale and saw those traitorous numbers.  I never want to lose that fear of somehow getting back to that weight...because if I'm afraid of it, I'm aware of it, and I won't go back.

Right now, I'm about 26 pounds less than that highest weight.  In the past three weeks, I've lost 9 pounds.

My goal for the month of April is to share a picture of every meal I eat, including snacks.  I am a major foodie and am constantly trying new recipes, so it should be interesting.  And none of my Facebook friends can complain because it's on my blog and not on my feed.  So nyeah. ;-)

Welcome to my world, watching as pounds go bye.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to reading your new journal. But even if people complain about your food pics on FB, I say ignore them !
